tarea: U1L2 @hometutor level A and B only (V, G1, G2). U1L2 Speller is extra credit.
jueves - Hablamos en español sobre el cuento de Lolita, y preparamos para el examen mañana.
tarea: finish U1L1 activities in @hometutor (V, T, G1, G2); study for the U1L1 test tomorrow!
miércoles - Continuamos con el cuento de Lolita. Periods 1 & 2 upstairs with laptops, Period 3 in room 149.
martes - (149) Los estudiantes trabajan en la tarea para viernes. ATTN: Please change the name of all your files so that they start with your last name.
lunes - Traducimos el cuento de Lolita en grupos de dos (catch-up day for those who have missing work; pow-wow for those who need extra help). Usamos Google Docs y lo entregamos (we turn it in) en Google Classroom.
Extra Vocab
artesanías - crafts
carne enchilada - spicy meat
pescado - fish (for eating)
pez/peces (pl) - fish (swimming around)
pescar - to fish
sin - without
hay - there is/there are
viejitos - old people
frijoles - beans
comieron - they ate
cerrado (a) - closed
le digo - I say to him
me dice - he says to me