Due Friday, December 13th
Students will create a website using the skills that they have learned in this class and in Computers 1. Students can create this website using either Google Sites or Weebly (must have parental permission). The theme of your website will be "My Computers II Portfolio", and it will feature all of the things you've learned in this class.
Students will create a website using the skills that they have learned in this class and in Computers 1. Students can create this website using either Google Sites or Weebly (must have parental permission). The theme of your website will be "My Computers II Portfolio", and it will feature all of the things you've learned in this class.
Rubric (10 pts each, total of 100 pts)
1) Must be organized logically (pages "nested" in submenus as needed, easy to navigate)
2) Must be visually appealing (fonts easy to read, consistent color scheme, no typos)
3) Must include a Blog Page, with at least 5 different entries from 5 different days.
4) Must include at least one page dedicated to your typing ability. Can include screenshots, statistics, typing samples, testimonials, etc
5) Must include at least three games from GameStarMechanic (either a link or the embedded code)
6) Must include at least three videos from Animoto (either a link or the embedded code)
7) Must include (on the first page) a link to a Google form that asks the viewer to "Rate My Website"; this form must include 4 questions; one "text" question, one "scale" question, one "choose from a list" question and one "multiple choice" question. Share this Google form with [email protected].
8) Must include your notes about "Internet Safety" from the end of September
9) Must include a link to the Quizlet "Scatter" game using the Computer's II Vocabulary (end of August)
10) Must include a picture gallery that includes at least 3 animals that you created for "Dwyer Zoo". Hint: the easiest way to do this is to save the PowerPoint files into your Google Drive, then add these documents to your website.